Friday, September 11, 2009

Nourish your face at home

Being beautiful with healthy skin means lot of care. Face packs are the most appropriate way to handle the care; they can be made at home. Face packs are being used to keep your skin firm and clean. A huge variety of face pack is there few of them are:
Oily Skin face pack
Asebum which is a natural lubricant of skin and produced by gland is responsible for oily skin when in excess. Excess of Asebum could be taken care by regular cleaning which clean out the blocked pores.
   1. Six strawberries
   2. Two teaspoons of fuller's earth
   3. Two teaspoons of breadcrumbs
   4. One teaspoon of Brandy
   5. Rose water
Take a teaspoon full of brandy and mash the strawberries, breadcrumbs about to teaspoons, fuller’s earth same as two teaspoon, rose drops few drops. After assimilation cover face and neck with same mixture for about 20 mints.
Dry skin Face Pack:
This kind of skin is just contrary to the oily skin, as sebum is not generated up to needed quantity. So, it results in dry, wrinkled and stretched skin.
   1. Almonds - 10
   2. Oatmeal - Two teaspoons
   3. Cream milk Four tablespoons
   4. China clay - Two teaspoons
   5. Juice of half lemon
   6. Avocado - mashed
10 almonds, oatmeal two tea spoon, cream milk four tablespoon, china clay two spoons, lemon juice half and avocado crushed mix all these and prepare a face pack. Cover your face for 20 mints and then wipe it off with the help of cotton. After the application of the face pack apply little moisturizer.


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