Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is Rebonding harmful for hairs?

Chemicals used for hairs, affects hair textures and quality of hairs. Any chemical used in excess can damage hairs and make it weak, dry and led to hair fall. A person who is interested in rebonding should keep in mind that it requires post treatment otherwise it can be harmful for hairs. If you are having problem of hair fall then you should avoid rebonding or any other chemical hair treatment. It can be proved as bad experience if cheap chemicals and inexperienced hair stylists.
Hair Bonding can be disastrous if care of hairs should not be taken in time. After Rebonding hair requires extra pampering. So care should be taken after rebonding. You cannot ignore your hairs because it looks shiny and straight. If you are planning for rebonding you should visit reputated salon so that it provides good hair quality and bonding lasts longer.

Disasters of Rebonding:

If you have already straightened your hairs you should follow few tips:

  • Firstly get a haircut done.
  • Approach the salon from where you had done rebonding and tell them to repair the damage.
  • Oil your hair regularly.
  • Get deep conditioning of hairs every fortnight.
  • Avoid chemical treatments at least for six months.
  • Wear a scarf.
  • Condition your hairs.
  • Take some tips from hair stylists to do treatment of your hairs.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fashion An Attractive Trend

Fashion is a world itself in which every person feels so important and special in their way. Normally the styles which people refer to follow at a widespread way in a certain time period, titled as the Fashion. Fashion is mainly described according to the sense of clothing style. Different-different types of fashions were famous at different-different age of times. The main thing behind the rapid change of fashion style and its culture is the idea. Fashion designers are the person who produces and manufactures the fashionable articles and clothing. Mainly the fashionable and unfashionable are the two streams of measuring people according to time. Someone is called fashionable if the person fits is according to time and fits in the current mode of expression. And unfashionable is vice versa. And according to the current time if something is termed as not so current always fits in the Retro category. Retro fashion is a rule shifting like old is suddenly new type of fashion. Fashion is also the synonym of the words like glamour beauty and style. In other sense the fashion is a communal art which exactly interrogate the concept of beauty and integrity. The fashion term is also taken in a negative sense.In the whole world there are so many big cities which are known as the global fashion centers or fashion capitals. Many big events like fashion weeks are mostly take places in these cities. In these fashion weeks many fashion designers present their new collection of designs to their audiences. The main four big fashion capitals are London, Paris, Milan and New York. These cities are also are the global fashion headquarters to many big fashion companies. And other cities like Tokyo, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Berlin, Rome, Buenos Aires, Toronto, Hong Kong, Dubai, Sao Paulo, Sydney, Moscow and Miami are also known for their many famous fashion weeks take place every year at these places.